看完了這兩本書 不禁感慨男生與女生之間的差異真的好大好大
但奇妙的是 他們的生活都有繼續往下走

Life goes on. Yes, the show must go on.
Although their emotions stick to their past, their body find the new way to live forward.
They are definitely unhappy, but........
They have soomeone be there for them.
That's what makes them live, I guess.

Aoi......she is a unique girl that has so much emotions inside, but stays cool ouside.
I feel a little bit like her.
With so many struggle emtions inside and keeps bothering me, I act like I am better.
But I am not as lucky as she was.
Eventually, it's a novel, not reality.

I am trying to be numb and don't feel a thing.
I wish that could be a way to heal.
Despite I know I am just running away from the disgusting reality.

I wish I could find the peace inside......

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